Importing Data Set

Data source: TUIK

data <- read_excel("C:/Users/kubil/Desktop/intihar.xls")
save(data, file = "semicolon1.RData")
nüfus <- read_excel("C:/Users/kubil/Desktop/nüfus.xlsx")
save(nüfus, file = "semicolon2.RData")

Download the data set (Suicides) : semicolon1.RData

Download the data set (Population) : semicolon2.RData

Data Explanation

Our dataset classifies suicides between the years 2007-2022 based on reasons, gender, and age groups.

Why this data set?

We choose this data set based on this reasons:

  • There are so many observations in this data set

  • Data has been divided into multiple categories

  • Source of the data set is reliable (TUİK)

  • Data set didn’t need any preprocessing

What are the categories of this data set?

The reasons for suicides in this dataset are categorized into eight groups:

  • Illness

  • Family incompatibility

  • Economic problems

  • Business failure

  • Emotional relationships and not marrying the person wanted

  • Educational failure

  • Other

  • Unknown.

What are the age groups of this data set?

Age groups are classified as :

  • <15

  • 15-19

  • 20-24

  • 25-29

  • 30-34

  • 35-39

  • 40-44

  • 45-49

  • 50-54

  • 55-59

  • 60-64

  • 65-69

  • 70-74

  • +75.

What is our aim?

By leveraging this dataset, we aim to answer the following questions:

  • Suicide rates by gender regardless of age and reason

  • Suicide rates by age regardless of gender and reason

  • Suicide rates by reasons regardless of age and gender

  • The most observed reason for suicides for females/males

  • The most observed reason for suicides for teenagers

By obtaining answers to these questions, we can understand how to approach preventing suicides for different age groups and genders.

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