
Overview of Structure

While the original data holds the education information, our version that is exported as the RData file omits it for now. The code we used to work on the data is as follows:


dat <- read_xls("data/suc turu ve egitim durumuna gore ceza infaz kurumuna giren hukumluler.xls")
index2020 <- read_xlsx("data/indexes.xlsx", sheet = "2020-2018", col_names = FALSE)
index2017 <- read_xlsx("data/indexes.xlsx", sheet = "2017-2013", col_names = FALSE)
index2012 <- read_xlsx("data/indexes.xlsx", sheet = "2012-2011", col_names = FALSE)
index2020 <- sapply(index2020, as.character)
index2017 <- sapply(index2017, as.character)
index2012 <- sapply(index2012, as.character)

temp2020 <- sapply(index2020, as.character)
temp2017 <- c(sapply(index2017, as.character), rep(NA, times = 1))
temp2012 <- c(sapply(index2012, as.character), rep(NA, times = 4))

for (val in dat$'2011-2020') {
  if (identical(val,"2020")){
    suc2020 <- dat[20:59, 2]
    suc2020 <- suc2020[complete.cases(suc2020),]
    suc2020 <- cbind(index2020, suc2020)
    names(suc2020) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2020")
  if (identical(val,"2019")){
    suc2019 <- dat[62:101, 2]
    suc2019 <- suc2019[complete.cases(suc2019),]
    suc2019 <- cbind(index2020, suc2019)
    names(suc2019) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2019")
  if (identical(val,"2018")){
    suc2018 <- dat[104:143, 2]
    suc2018 <- suc2018[complete.cases(suc2018),]
    suc2018 <- cbind(index2020, suc2018)
    names(suc2018) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2018")
  if (identical(val,"2017")){
    suc2017 <- dat[147:185, 2]
    suc2017 <- suc2017[complete.cases(suc2017),]
    suc2017 <- cbind(index2017, suc2017)
    names(suc2017) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2017")
  if (identical(val,"2016")){
    suc2016 <- dat[189:227, 2]
    suc2016 <- suc2016[complete.cases(suc2016),]
    suc2016 <- cbind(index2017, suc2016)
    names(suc2016) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2016")
  if (identical(val,"2015")){
    suc2015 <- dat[231:269, 2]
    suc2015 <- suc2015[complete.cases(suc2015),]
    suc2015 <- cbind(index2017, suc2015)
    names(suc2015) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2015")
  if (identical(val,"2014")){
    suc2014 <- dat[273:311, 2]
    suc2014 <- suc2014[complete.cases(suc2014),]
    suc2014 <- cbind(index2017, suc2014)
    names(suc2014) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2014")
  if (identical(val,"2013")){
    suc2013 <- dat[315:353, 2]
    suc2013 <- suc2013[complete.cases(suc2013),]
    suc2013 <- cbind(index2017, suc2013)
    names(suc2013) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2013")
  if (identical(val,"2012")){
    suc2012 <- dat[357:391, 2]
    suc2012 <- suc2012[complete.cases(suc2012),]
    suc2012 <- cbind(index2012, suc2012)
    names(suc2012) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2012")
  if (identical(val,"2011")){
    suc2011 <- dat[395:429, 2]
    suc2011 <- suc2011[complete.cases(suc2011),]
    suc2011 <- cbind(index2012, suc2011)
    names(suc2011) <- c("type_of_crime", "num2011")

d2020 <- data.frame(rep(2020, times = nrow(suc2020)))
d2019 <- data.frame(rep(2019, times = nrow(suc2020)))
d2018 <- data.frame(rep(2018, times = nrow(suc2018)))
d2017 <- data.frame(c(rep(2017, times = nrow(suc2017)), rep(NA,times=1)))
d2016 <- data.frame(c(rep(2016, times = nrow(suc2016)),rep(NA,times=1)))
d2015 <- data.frame(c(rep(2015, times = nrow(suc2015)),rep(NA,times=1)))
d2014 <- data.frame(c(rep(2014, times = nrow(suc2014)),rep(NA,times=1)))
d2013 <- data.frame(c(rep(2013, times = nrow(suc2013)),rep(NA,times=1)))
d2012 <- data.frame(c(rep(2012, times = nrow(suc2012)),rep(NA,times=4)))
d2011 <- data.frame(c(rep(2011, times = nrow(suc2011)),rep(NA,times=4)))

df <- data.frame(d2020,d2019,d2018,d2017,d2016,d2015,d2014,d2013,d2012,d2011)

years <- data.frame(years = unlist(df, use.names = FALSE))
years <- na.omit(years)

type_frame <- data.frame(temp2020,temp2020,temp2020,temp2017,temp2017,temp2017,temp2017,temp2017,temp2012,temp2012)
types <- data.frame(type_of_crimes = unlist(type_frame, use.names = FALSE)) |> na.omit()

numbers <- data.frame(years = years, type_of_crime = types, na.omit(data.frame(gen_total = dat$...2[20:nrow(dat)], male = dat$...3[20:nrow(dat)], female = dat$...4[20:nrow(dat)])))
numbers$gen_total <- as.numeric(numbers$gen_total)
numbers$male <- as.numeric(numbers$male)
numbers$female <- as.numeric(numbers$female)
numbers[] <- 0
numbers <- pivot_longer(numbers, cols = c(male,female), names_to = "gender", values_to = "number")

plot <- ggplot(numbers, aes(years, gen_total, color = type_of_crimes)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  scale_y_log10() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(2011, 2020, 1)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1), strip.text = element_text(size = 8)) +
  gghighlight::gghighlight() +
  facet_wrap(~type_of_crimes) +
  ylab("Total Number of Crimes") +

save(numbers, file = "crime_numbers.RData")

In order to make the data easier to work on, we have used the packages readxl, tidyr, and dplyr. Using readxl to access the data from its excel file format, and rest to process the exported data chunk by chunk so we could rid the data from its NA filled, unplottable structure.

Some ways the data is categorized can be seen by looking into this plot:

Don’t be shy to open the image in a new tab so you can zoom in on it!

So, as it can be seen from the plot, the types of crimes that are present in the data are given as the titles of the individual line plots. The x axis is years for each type of crime and y axis is the number of times that crime was committed, of course. The plot piece named “Total” is the total amount of times all crimes were committed.

Some of the crimes start or end abruptly as there are types of crimes redacted or added throughout the years such as “Opposition to cheque laws” which was only judged in 2011 and 2012.

Y axis of our plot is logarithmically scaled to compensate for the difference between the total number of times all the crimes for committed (Total) and the number of times different types of crimes were committed.


Help from ChatGPT has been used to cut back from time googling very specific data formatting problems. More context can be provided if needed.

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