Assignment 2

Question 1

Using the filters on, list all Turkish movies with more than 2500 reviews, and save the URLs.

Show the code

URL_1 <- ",2023-12-31&num_votes=2500,&country_of_origin=TR&count=250"
URL_2 <- ",2009-12-31&num_votes=2500,&country_of_origin=TR&count=250"
url_vector <- c(URL_1,URL_2)

Question 2

Start web scrapping to create a Data Frame with columns: Title, Year, Duration, Rating, Votes

Show the code
movie_titles <- c()
movie_years <- c()
movie_durations <- c()
movie_ratings <- c()
movie_votes <- c()

for(url in url_vector){
  HTML = read_html(url)
  title_names <- HTML %>% html_nodes('.ipc-title__text')
  title_names <- html_text(title_names)
  title_names <- tail(head(title_names,-1),-1)
  title_names <- str_split(title_names, " ", n=2)
  title_names <- unlist(lapply(title_names, function(x) {x[2]}))
  year <- HTML %>% html_nodes(".sc-43986a27-7.dBkaPT.dli-title-metadata")
  year <- html_text(year)
  year <- substr(year, 1, 4)
  year <- as.numeric(year)
  duration_trash <- HTML %>% html_nodes(".sc-43986a27-7.dBkaPT.dli-title-metadata")
  duration_trash <- html_text(duration_trash)
  duration <- c()
  for (string in duration_trash){
  start_index <- 5
  string_length <- str_length(string)

  if(grepl("m", string, fixed = TRUE)){
    end_index <- regexpr("m", string)
    result <- substr(string, start_index, end_index)
    duration <- append(duration,result)
    end_index <- regexpr("h", string)
    result <- substr(string, start_index, end_index)
    duration <- append(duration, result)
  hour_duration <- str_split(duration, " ")
  hour_duration <- sapply(hour_duration, function(x) ifelse(grepl("h", x[1], fixed = TRUE), x[1], 0))
  hour_duration <- sub("h", "", hour_duration)
  hour_duration <- as.numeric(hour_duration)
  hour_duration <- hour_duration * 60
  minute_duration <- str_split(duration, " ")
  minute_duration <- sapply(minute_duration, function(x) ifelse(length(x) >= 2, x[2], ifelse(grepl("m", x, fixed = TRUE), x[1], ifelse(grepl("m", x[1], fixed = TRUE), x[1],0))))
  minute_duration <- sub("m", "", minute_duration)
  minute_duration <- as.numeric(minute_duration)
  rating <- HTML %>% html_nodes(".ipc-rating-star.ipc-rating-star--base.ipc-rating-star--imdb.ratingGroup--imdb-rating")
  rating <- html_text(rating)
  rating <- substr(rating, 1, 3)
  rating <- as.numeric(rating)
  vote <- HTML %>% html_nodes(".sc-53c98e73-0.kRnqtn")
  vote <- html_text(vote)
  vote <- sub("Votes", "" ,vote)
  vote <- sub(",", "", vote)
  vote <- as.numeric(vote)
  movie_titles <- append(movie_titles,title_names)
  movie_years <- append(movie_years, year)
  movie_durations <- append(movie_durations, hour_duration + minute_duration)
  movie_ratings <- append(movie_ratings, rating)
  movie_votes <- append(movie_votes, vote)

movies_df <- data.frame(movie_titles, movie_years, movie_durations, movie_ratings, movie_votes)
kable(head(movies_df,10), caption = "Movies Dataframe")
Movies Dataframe
movie_titles movie_years movie_durations movie_ratings movie_votes
Kuru Otlar Üstüne 2023 197 8.1 5044
Istanbul Için Son Çagri 2023 91 5.3 7310
Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize 2019 132 8.2 54142
Ölümlü Dünya 2 2023 117 7.5 3411
Bihter 2023 113 3.6 3337
Ölümlü Dünya 2018 107 7.6 30246
Kis Uykusu 2014 196 8.0 54621
Dag II 2016 135 8.2 109860
Do Not Disturb 2023 114 6.3 8762
Ayla: The Daughter of War 2017 125 8.3 42986

Question 3

  1. Arrange your data frame in descending order by Rating. Present the top 5 and bottom 5 movies based on user ratings. Have you watched any of these movies? Do you agree or disagree with their current IMDb Ratings?

Show the code
movies_df <- movies_df[order(movies_df$movie_ratings, decreasing = TRUE),]
Top 5 movies based on user ratings.
Show the code
kable(head(movies_df, 5), caption = "Top 5 Movies Based On User Ratings.")
Top 5 Movies Based On User Ratings.
movie_titles movie_years movie_durations movie_ratings movie_votes
257 Hababam Sinifi 1975 87 9.2 42509
39 CM101MMXI Fundamentals 2013 139 9.1 46994
273 Tosun Pasa 1976 90 8.9 24325
337 Hababam Sinifi Sinifta Kaldi 1975 95 8.9 24367
321 Süt Kardesler 1976 80 8.8 20883

I disagree with the top parts of this list created based on the scores given by the users. In my opinion, films are created by transferring comments made on certain events, problems or situations to cinema. Therefore, I think that “Yeşil Çam” films are overrated too much, the emotions that are intended to be told in the films made by “Yeşil Çam” are unnecessary. There are much better directors today and much better films are being made, but they cannot get such high scores.

Bottom 5 movies based on user ratings.
Show the code
kable(tail(movies_df, 5), caption = "Bottom 5 Movies Based On User Ratings.")
Bottom 5 Movies Based On User Ratings.
movie_titles movie_years movie_durations movie_ratings movie_votes
189 Cumali Ceber 2 2018 100 1.2 10227
199 Müjde 2022 48 1.2 9920
245 15/07 Safak Vakti 2021 95 1.2 20606
101 Cumali Ceber: Allah Seni Alsin 2017 100 1.0 39264
150 Reis 2017 108 1.0 73972

Definitely I agree with the bottom part of this list but I can’t explain why. :) :D

  1. Check the ratings of 2-3 of your favorite movies. What are their standings?

My top 10 list is below:
  1. Babam ve Oğlum
  2. Kabadayı
  3. Bizim Büyük Çaresizliğimiz
  4. Devrim Arabaları
  5. Recep İvedik 2
  6. G.O.R.A
  7. Kolpaçino
  8. Av Mevsimi
  9. İşe Yarar Bir Şey
  10. Sen Aydınlatırsın Geceyi

Note: This list is not ordered. Please don’t judge me based on this order.
Note2: Yes! Recep İvedik 2 is still on the list of funniest movies for me, additionally you can also find the Onur Ünlü’s comments about Recep İvedik movies. Interview here.

Let’s check the ratings of “Babam ve Oğlum”, “Sen Aydınlatırsın Geceyi” and “İşe Yarar Bir Şey”.

Babam ve Oğlum

Show the code
kable(movies_df[movies_df$movie_titles == "Babam ve Oglum",], caption = "Babam ve Oğlum")
Babam ve Oğlum
movie_titles movie_years movie_durations movie_ratings movie_votes
250 Babam ve Oglum 2005 108 8.2 91016
Show the code
sprintf("Rank of the *Babam ve Oğlum* is %d", which(movies_df$movie_titles=="Babam ve Oglum"))

[1] “Rank of the Babam ve Oğlum is 27”

İşe Yarar Bir Şey

Show the code
kable(movies_df[movies_df$movie_titles == "Ise Yarar Bir Sey",], caption = "İşe Yarar Bir Şey")
İşe Yarar Bir Şey
movie_titles movie_years movie_durations movie_ratings movie_votes
94 Ise Yarar Bir Sey 2017 104 7.6 5507
Show the code
sprintf("Rank of the *İşe Yarar Bir Şey* is %d", which(movies_df$movie_titles=="Ise Yarar Bir Sey"))

[1] “Rank of the İşe Yarar Bir Şey is 85”

Sen Aydınlatırsın Geceyi

Show the code
kable(movies_df[movies_df$movie_titles == "Sen Aydinlatirsin Geceyi",], caption = "Sen Aydınlatırsın Geceyi")
Sen Aydınlatırsın Geceyi
movie_titles movie_years movie_durations movie_ratings movie_votes
60 Sen Aydinlatirsin Geceyi 2013 107 7.7 10483
Show the code
sprintf("Rank of the *Sen Aydınlatırsın Geceyi* is %d", which(movies_df$movie_titles=="Sen Aydinlatirsin Geceyi"))

[1] “Rank of the Sen Aydınlatırsın Geceyi is 68”

  1. Considering that audience rating is a crucial indicator of movie quality, what can you infer about the average ratings of Turkish movies over the years? Calculate yearly rating averages and plot them as a scatter plot. Similarly, plot the number of movies over the years. You might observe that using yearly averages could be misleading due to the increasing number of movies each year. As an alternative solution, plot box plots of ratings over the years (each year having a box plot showing statistics about the ratings of movies in that year). What insights do you gather from the box plot?

Average Ratings vs Year

Show the code
yearly_rating <- movies_df %>% group_by(movie_years) %>%
    average_rating = mean(movie_ratings),
    .groups = "drop"

yearly_rating_scatter_plot <- ggplot(yearly_rating, aes(x=movie_years, y=average_rating)) + geom_point()

Year vs Rating boxplot.

Show the code
yearly_rating_box_plot <- ggplot(movies_df, aes(x=movie_years, y=movie_ratings, group=movie_years)) + geom_boxplot()

Number of Movies vs Year

Show the code
yearly_movie_count <- movies_df %>% group_by(movie_years) %>%
    number_of_movies = n(),
    .groups = "drop"

yarly_count_plot <- ggplot(yearly_movie_count, aes(x=movie_years, y=number_of_movies)) + geom_point()

  1. Do you believe there is a relationship between the number of votes a movie received and its rating? Investigate the correlation between Votes and Ratings.

Show the code
corr_rating_vote = cor(movies_df$movie_ratings, movies_df$movie_votes)
[1] 0.1307194
Show the code
rating_vs_votes <- ggplot(movies_df, aes(x=movie_ratings, y=log(movie_votes))) + geom_point()

  1. Do you believe there is a relationship between a movie’s duration and its rating? Investigate the correlation between Duration and Ratings.

Show the code
corr_duration_rating = cor(movies_df$movie_durations, movies_df$movie_ratings)
[1] 0.03343216
Show the code
duration_vs_rating <- ggplot(movies_df, aes(x=movie_durations, y=movie_ratings)) + geom_point()

  1. Let’s look a correlation heatmap

Show the code
correlation_df <- movies_df[, c(3,4,5)]
correlation_df <- round(cor(correlation_df), 5)

correlation_df_melted <- melt(correlation_df)
correlation_plot <- ggplot(correlation_df_melted, aes(x=Var1, y=Var2, fill=value)) + geom_tile() +
  geom_text(aes(Var2, Var1, label = value), 
          color = "white", size = 4)


Question 4

  1. Use IMDb’s Advanced Title Search interface with The Title Type set to “Movie” only, the Country set to “Turkey” with the option “Search country of origin only” active, and the Awards & Recognation set to “IMDB Top 1000”. You should find a total of 11 movies.

Show the code
URL_3 = ""
movie_name <- c()
movie_year <- c()

HTML = read_html(URL_3)

title_names <- HTML %>% html_nodes('.ipc-title__text')
title_names <- html_text(title_names)
title_names <- tail(head(title_names,-1),-1)
title_names <- str_split(title_names, " ", n=2)
title_names <- unlist(lapply(title_names, function(x) {x[2]}))

year <- HTML %>% html_nodes(".sc-43986a27-7.dBkaPT.dli-title-metadata")
year <- html_text(year)
year <- substr(year, 1, 4)
year <- as.numeric(year)

movie_name <- append(movie_name, title_names)
movie_year <- append(movie_year, year)
top1000_df <- data.frame(movie_name, movie_year)
kable(top1000_df, caption = "Turkish movies in IMDB Top1000 without rating, duration and votes")
Turkish movies in IMDB Top1000 without rating, duration and votes
movie_name movie_year
Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize 2019
Kis Uykusu 2014
Nefes: Vatan Sagolsun 2009
Ayla: The Daughter of War 2017
Babam ve Oglum 2005
Ahlat Agaci 2018
Bir Zamanlar Anadolu’da 2011
Eskiya 1996
G.O.R.A. 2004
Vizontele 2001
Her Sey Çok Güzel Olacak 1998
  1. Note that you now have a new data frame with Turkish movies in the top 1000, containing only the title and year. Use your initial data frame and an appropriate join operation to fill in the duration, rating, and votes attributes of the new data frame.

Top 1000 merged dataframe

Show the code
top1000_df_merged <- merge(x=top1000_df, y=movies_df,
                           by.x=c("movie_name", "movie_year"),
                           by.y=c("movie_titles", "movie_years"), all.x=TRUE)
kable(top1000_df_merged, caption = "Turkish movies in IMBD Top1000 with rating, duration and votes")
Turkish movies in IMBD Top1000 with rating, duration and votes
movie_name movie_year movie_durations movie_ratings movie_votes
Ahlat Agaci 2018 188 8.0 26986
Ayla: The Daughter of War 2017 125 8.3 42986
Babam ve Oglum 2005 108 8.2 91016
Bir Zamanlar Anadolu’da 2011 157 7.8 49344
Eskiya 1996 128 8.1 71695
G.O.R.A. 2004 127 8.0 66020
Her Sey Çok Güzel Olacak 1998 107 8.1 27113
Kis Uykusu 2014 196 8.0 54621
Nefes: Vatan Sagolsun 2009 128 8.0 35007
Vizontele 2001 110 8.0 38396
Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize 2019 132 8.2 54142
  1. Order the 11 movies based on their Rank. Are these the same first high-rated 11 movies in your initial data frame? If yes, does this imply that IMDb uses rankings alone to determine their top 1000 movie list? If not, what does this imply?

Show the code
top1000_df_merged <- top1000_df_merged[order(top1000_df_merged$movie_ratings, decreasing = TRUE),]
kable(top1000_df_merged, caption = "Turkish movies in IMBD Top1000, ordered by rankings.")
Turkish movies in IMBD Top1000, ordered by rankings.
movie_name movie_year movie_durations movie_ratings movie_votes
2 Ayla: The Daughter of War 2017 125 8.3 42986
3 Babam ve Oglum 2005 108 8.2 91016
11 Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize 2019 132 8.2 54142
5 Eskiya 1996 128 8.1 71695
7 Her Sey Çok Güzel Olacak 1998 107 8.1 27113
1 Ahlat Agaci 2018 188 8.0 26986
6 G.O.R.A. 2004 127 8.0 66020
8 Kis Uykusu 2014 196 8.0 54621
9 Nefes: Vatan Sagolsun 2009 128 8.0 35007
10 Vizontele 2001 110 8.0 38396
4 Bir Zamanlar Anadolu’da 2011 157 7.8 49344

Let’s take a look at the movies dataframe, ordered by rankings.

Show the code
kable(head(movies_df,11), caption = "Movies Dataframe")
Movies Dataframe
movie_titles movie_years movie_durations movie_ratings movie_votes
257 Hababam Sinifi 1975 87 9.2 42509
39 CM101MMXI Fundamentals 2013 139 9.1 46994
273 Tosun Pasa 1976 90 8.9 24325
337 Hababam Sinifi Sinifta Kaldi 1975 95 8.9 24367
321 Süt Kardesler 1976 80 8.8 20883
284 Saban Oglu Saban 1977 90 8.7 18533
307 Zügürt Aga 1985 101 8.7 16133
317 Neseli Günler 1978 95 8.7 11804
323 Kibar Feyzo 1978 83 8.7 17124
380 Hababam Sinifi Uyaniyor 1976 94 8.7 20638
343 Canim Kardesim 1973 85 8.6 10093

Clearly we can see that two dataframes above are not the same. We can say that IMDB not just use the rankings. First thing that I realized is there is not any movie created by before the 1996, so IMDb cares the creation date and older movies are not lucky in this ranking calculation.

for fun :D

demirkubuz vs nbc

<> :D

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