Our Course Project

I’m honored to be a member of the [data_criminals] project team.

Below, you’ll find a brief summary of our project. To access a detailed project description, please go to https://emu-hacettepe-analytics.github.io/emu430-fall2023-team-data_criminals/data.html.


In our project you will find clues from Turkey’s prisons about convicts and their educational level. We want to explore whether education level has an effect on crime . Also we want to explore convicts educational level since 1990s.

“All our knowledge hast its origins in our perceptions … In nature there is no effect without a cause … Experience never errs; it is only your judgments that err by promising themselves effects such as are not caused by your experiments … Science is the observation of things possible, whether present or past; prescience is the knowledge of things which may come to pass.”― Leonardo da Vinci

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