Our Course Project

I’m honored to be a member of the icaRdi project team.

Group Members Alperen Gürkan - Elif Ece Uygun - Mert Canlı - Bekir Gök

Below, you’ll find a brief summary of our project. To access a detailed project description, please go to Project

data <- read.csv("C:/Users/MONSTER/Desktop/emu430proje/Football teams.csv")
     Team            Tournament            Goals          Shots.pg    
 Length:98          Length:98          Min.   :20.00   Min.   : 7.10  
 Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:40.25   1st Qu.:10.32  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :50.00   Median :11.45  
                                       Mean   :52.18   Mean   :11.85  
                                       3rd Qu.:61.75   3rd Qu.:13.35  
                                       Max.   :99.00   Max.   :17.10  
  yellow_cards     red_cards       Possession.        Pass.      
 Min.   : 40.0   Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :38.50   Min.   :66.50  
 1st Qu.: 60.0   1st Qu.: 2.000   1st Qu.:46.23   1st Qu.:78.03  
 Median : 67.5   Median : 3.000   Median :49.75   Median :80.80  
 Mean   : 69.7   Mean   : 3.337   Mean   :50.00   Mean   :80.44  
 3rd Qu.: 80.0   3rd Qu.: 4.750   3rd Qu.:52.85   3rd Qu.:83.45  
 Max.   :117.0   Max.   :10.000   Max.   :62.40   Max.   :89.70  
   AerialsWon        Rating     
 Min.   : 9.50   Min.   :6.410  
 1st Qu.:14.03   1st Qu.:6.540  
 Median :16.10   Median :6.630  
 Mean   :16.01   Mean   :6.646  
 3rd Qu.:17.85   3rd Qu.:6.730  
 Max.   :26.80   Max.   :7.010  


Our dataset’s name is “Football teams | Rankings | Stats” taken from Kaggle This dataset contains 10 columns and 98 observations. 2 of our variables are characteristic, 5 of them are continuous and the rest of the variables are discrete. The purpose of this project is to observe the relationship between variables and find the variables that have a big impact on the rating of the teams.

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